วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

History of Mesothelioma Litigation

The production of asbestos has been an important sector in a wide range, early 20th Century. Mined from countries like England, South Africa, Australia and the United States, asbestos. Knowledge of exposure to asbestos occurred in the early stages of development in this area. During the year 1906, the first medical report was published a person dies as a result of fibrosis of the lungs.

Strong evidence has developed on many different asbestos asbestosisCompany in the United Kingdom in late 1920. The government in 1930, shows the drastic effects of asbestos, a study is funded. Reported that the rate of disease would be geometric, where employees work for more than ten years in the presence of asbestos. It also stated that the rate of disease could be reduced if the asbestos dust will be controlled from the sky. The disease has evolved primarily in front of people who work with asbestos.

During the year 1930, theEvidence of malignant mesothelioma, began to develop. Subsequently, it was always associated with asbestos. E 'was widely known that the majority of deaths in the area there is a result of lung cancer. Tuberculosis is also widespread at this time. The need to develop an autopsy to know the exact nature of death, to analyze whether the tumor cells in the mesothelium, or developed by any other complaints.

The greatest difficulty was with the length of time during the gap inmesothelium and exposure to asbestos. Since the symptoms are similar to other factors such as life-threatening diseases, various diseases are common, many people who are later to work under the asbestos and are diagnosed when the disease developed more rigorously.

Developed in 1959, three researchers at a seminar in South Africa and some impressive evidence presented, the connection between mesothelioma and asbestos. The study published shocking scores big against asbestosThe industry and its impact. An important hide these facts by the owners of the area has been designed to save the asbestos industry, rather than the protection of workers. Various reasons have been further to meet the people who developed mesothelioma asbestos was developed. The actions helped them to abuse the use of a maximum compensation of large companies with asbestos.

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